How To Grow Chia seeds Gardening Tips
Chia (Salvia hispanica) is easy to grow, beautiful to look at, and offers lots of nutritional value. It deserves a place in your garden. Chia is a member of the Lamiaceae, or mint, family. Adding chia to your plantings provides a valuable nectar source for bees and butterflies. They have Tiny, soft, gray hairs cover the upper side of the leaves as well. Thick, darkgreen leaves that are wrinkled and deeply lobed. Chia seeds are a very high source of linoleic acid (LA) and linolenic acid (LNA). Both these essential fatty acids help cell membranes to be flexible and fluid and attract oxygen, plus strengthen our immune system to help protect our bodies from allergies, bacteria, and viruses. ,tips, Gardening, ChiaSeeds Subscribe My Channel : Playlist : How To Make a Liquid Organic Fertilizer How To Grow Any Fruits : How To Grow Vegetables : Other Video : 4 Ways to Use Eggshells in the Garden How To Grow Pomegranate In Your Home Garden 0:54 Soil. 1:04 Watering. 1:14 Fertilizer.