The Ultimate CAT FIGHT that almost ended in a kill ( You asked 4 a CAT FIGHT) Brutal, blood splatter, punches, kicks, chokes
The world champion a real life bronze winning Olympic Judo sports champion versus some journey women they didnt know much about. A media sensationalized fight between two ideologies: radical feminism versus traditional conservatism, an atheist versus a God loving women, a feminist who dont know how to speak to her fans versus a very femine ladylike woman who knows how to speak with people and is very nice in general, (Nice But not that nice ) This irritates the feminist tremendously when she realizes that most are there to root for the challenger and not for her. A very emotional brutal hate fight with body blows, kicks, chockings, blood splatter, gum shield punched out etc. These two American woman really have a go at each other. Enjoy I guess