ASMR Shampoo time Scalp treatment Dry Head SPA ( Shoulder and Back Massage)
ASMR Shampoo time Scalp treatment Dry Head SPA (Shoulder and Back Massage) Check out their website for more information Website: Head spa specialty store Rabbicour in Tokyo This has been one of the best Head SPA I have ever tried. I really recommend you try their cream bath treatment More info: ヘッドスパ専門店Rabbicour(ラビクール)銀座 Open 平日12 0022 00, 土日祝11 0021 00 TEL 0362746693 Address 東京都中央区銀座7519龍櫻閣ビル2F 00:00 Preview 1:38 Dry head spa + washing 6:40 Shampoo time (twice) 16:47 Cream bath treatment + scalp massage 27:23 Washing the cream off 35:49 Shoulder + neck massage 38:25 Hair drying 45:34 Last touch 46:05 Salon tour