Trailer Animal Crossing: Welcome Luxury
This is it Over one year worth of work is in this one Animal Crossing: Welcome Luxury is a RomHack based on Welcome Amiibo. It includes many changes yet to be discovered But now you re already down here and wondering, how can you get it Click the link to our Discord There you ll get a download link plus support for your questions and everything else We re a nice community, I promise :P Credit: Danni (Fussels, 8120) for the beautiful Map you are seeing. xclassicalcatx Joanna for the beautiful song Check her channel out Song: Slattz: For REditor and everything you have done for me. Lukas: All the further work and Vapecord support Sarachi: All the proofreading and the wiki + translationmanagement you have done, also the critique you have been providing over all this time. Book: Giving support on the server and being there in general. LINKS Join my discord