Its A Blue World The Four Freshmen ( Joshua Lee Turner Cover feat. T. 3)
It s A Blue World by The Four Freshmen cover from Josh Turner Guitar featuring T. 3 Subscribe: , Patreon Rewards: NEWEST videos: , Get Live Show Tix: Tenor 1 Brendan Jacob Smith Tenor 2 Liam Fennecken Baritone Jim Hogan Bass and snare Joshua Lee Turner Double Bass William Carrigan Camera, video, and animation Kelly Oden A huge thanks to T. 3 and William for working with us on this The Four Freshmen are probably one of the best known musical acts to come from my alma mater, Butler University. This is our homage to them. The black and white portion of the video was recorded live directly to cassette tape with just two microphones. Full details below, and shoutout to the team at Vanguard for making amazing mics. Special thanks to Kelly Oden for learning a bunch of VFX to make this v