Walker, Texas Ranger, Texas Rangers Bust Child Abductors, Wild Westerns
With the kidnapped children now safe, Walker and Trivette arrest the abductors in style Season 5 Episode 10, Cyclone : Before a cyclone hits, Walker must rescue 10 kidnapped children in a buried school bus who are being held for a 1 million ransom each. Stream Walker, Texas Ranger Now on Peacock: Stream Walker, Texas Ranger for free on a Roku device, the Roku mobile app and Subscribe to the Wild Westerns Official channel: Chuck Norris (martial arts expert with a black belt) plays lawman Cordell Walker, who sometimes bends the law, to the dismay of Fort Worth prosecutor Alex Cahill. , WalkerTexasRanger, ChuckNorris, funny Walker, Texas Ranger, Texas Rangers Bust Child Abductors, Wild Westerns