Classic Game Room HD CLASS OF HEROES for PSP review
Classic Game Room HD reviews CLASS OF HEROES for PSP Playstation Portable Class of Heroes is a dungeon crawling RPG for PSP where you choose from 10 different races like humans, drakes, ergeists and halflings. 15 different majors, 2 sexes and 3 alignments. This game is published by Atlus and they claim it has 80 hours of gameplay although CGRHD thinks it has more. 75 tunnels and dungeon maps avait as you build a party of adventurers with warriors, wizards, samurai, monks and rangers. Build hundreds of weapons and armor with a complex alchemy system using junk and material you find laying around the dungeons or win after battles. Whew This is a big game and is less juvenile than the packaging would lead you to believe. Class of Heroes is a strategic and time consuming role playing game for fans of old school dungeon crawlers on PC and Japanese RPG games. Although the characters are cutesie anime the game doesn t feel overly childlish, in fact it s pretty good. This CGRHD review of C