The Forgotten Beatle: Jimmie Nicol ( Why He Faked His Death)
In 1964 Ringo Starr became ill, Jimmie Nicol went on tour with the Beatles for 13 days. One year later, he was divorced, bankrupt, and presumed dead. Discover the mystery of the forgotten fifth Beatle, find out why he repeatedly faked his own death and refuses to associate himself with one of the most popular Rock Bands of all time. In this enhanced encore presentation, DJ Gerry unfolds this intriguing story with rare photos and video footage of Jimmy Nicol performing with the legendary Beatles at the peak of Beatlemania. , TheBeatleWhoFakedHisDeath, TheForgottenBeatle, TheFifthBeatle, JimmieNicol, TheBeatles Please follow DJ Gerry on Instagram and he will follow you back: