US Shocked : New Russian S 500 Air Defense System Mass Fires Action
New Russian S500 Air Defense System Mass Fires Action Russia has, for the first time, released a video showing the S500 air defense system in action. The launch, conducted during a test campaign at Kapustin Yar, near Astrakhan in southern Russia, reportedly downed a ballistic missile surrogate target, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, which announced the development earlier today. , S500, RussiaNuclear, Military The Russian military is currently undertaking preservice trials of the S500, after which the system will begin to be deployed operationally, initially as part of the defensive umbrella surrounding the capital, Moscow. The system, which is named Prometey (Russian for Prometheus), as well as TriumfatorM, is expected to replace the current A135 antiballistic missile system deployed around Moscow, as well as supplement the longrange S400 Triumf surfacetoair missile (SAM) system in Russian Aerospace Forces service. Sorce : TheDrive, By THOMAS NEWD