4 rounds breathing workout + Om mantra
Guided breathing workout 4 rounds: 00:00 round 1) 40 breaths + holding your breath for 2 minutes 04:36 round 2) 40 breaths + holding your breath for 2 minutes 09:06 round 3) 40 breaths + holding your breath for 2 min 30s 14:05 round 4) 40 breaths + holding your breath for 3 minutes , 4rounds, BreathingMethod, GuidedBreathing INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Inhale through the nose or mouth and exhale through the mouth letting the air out. Keep a steady pace and use your midriff fully. Repeat this for 40 times. 2) Then let the air out and hold for as long as you can without force. Hold the breath until you experience the gasp reflex. 3) Inhale to full capacity. Feel your chest expanding. When you are at full capacity, hold the breath for around 10 15 seconds.