Faith and the Muse Cernunnos lyrics
Faith and the Muse Cernunnos lyrics A song about the celtic god Cernunnos: Cernunnos (also Cernenus and Cern) is a pagan Celtic god whose representations were widespread in the ancient Celtic lands of western Europe. As a horned god, Cernunnos is associated with horned male animals, especially stags and the ramhorned snake; this and other attributes associate him with produce and fertility. All rights to their respective owners, no copyright infringement intended, I own nothing Beneath the sediment of eons In ancient repose My trust lay eroded by age The old glory faded And past times forgotten My reign given way to my rage Harmonious the centuries The land and I were one My soil, my water, my air Bringer of light And master of night In balance, the earth in my care But with the passing of days A new wind came blowing With whispers of change on its wing This tide of corruption