Christian Dance, Oh God I Cannot Be Without You, Praise Song
Christian Dance, Oh God I Cannot Be Without You , Praise Song I Hearing God s voice, I welcome Him and my heart feels truly joyful. It s God s sincere love and His words that have completely conquered my heart. God s words are so precious and each of them is the truth, which tightly grips onto my heart. Seeing God s loveliness, I often think of His love. II Enjoying God s words, I see that God is the truth; His beautiful countenance inspires love. God s words expose, judge, and prune us; His kind words tug at our hearts. I ve tasted God s love, and my life disposition is changed. God s love possesses my heart; I cannot be without Him. III Through tribulations and trials I see that God is lovely and His disposition is holy and righteous. Judged and tried by God s words, I gain the truth and life. My corrupt disposition is cleansed, and I feel even more God s kindness and loveliness.