Pursuit CORNERED: Remastered Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
It s been a while, hasn t it RESPECT MY USAGE TERMS AND I LL RESPECT YOURS: 1. You are able to use my themes as background music, streams, games, I only ask for you to put the link of the songs you used in the description of your video. (If it is a stream, make a reference to my channel, for games, credit me. ) 2. DO NOT ReUpload, Extend, Mashup any of my songs. Check me out on Spotify Join the Patrons for exclusive access to my discord server and FLAC downloads of my music: Special thanks to this month s Zamelings: JC Davi, Chloe, LuggyBro, Qwaser, PhusionShark, Sathvik Vegi, RougeOfLifeKusa, Boulderban, Austin Stiles, Nick Watanabe, Cobalt PKMN, Nicholas, Red 151, Dunspixel, thenovelist, Daniel Rodríguez, Ian Crumrine, Xedron, Kron, Bakun, VictoryStar, MIR SHARK, Mr. Bare Bones, Frog Smuggler, Game Opus, ZippiestRhyme21, Azuro, Jrose11, F