Mermaid Game Progress Update ( Unreal Engine 5)
Just a little progress update, few glitches here an there but this is pre alpha and very much still in the throw it together and see what works and doesn t stage. Any comments welcome on what works and should stay or needs to go. I wasn t initially building a Mermaid game so there are quite a few parts left over from the previous survival shooter. The Mermaid was just a test to show my daughter as there just arent many games for mermaid fans about but actually thats a very good reason to make one so here we are. The game is fully multiplayer enabled and in an open world pvp 16km map and also has voice chat right now. Networking is done over EOS so there is no messing about with firewalls needed and it will communicate over the Epic Games network. I havent done any tests yet on volume of players as its still way too early and Im still adding features. Still actually quite a lot already done and not covered in this video, but its long enough so show where its at and see if there is interest