Devoted: A Fathers Love The Incredible Journey
Marathons, along with Ironmans, are two of the toughest athletic endeavours on the planet. The ultimate test of strength and endurance. They re considered by most as barely possible, but not for the Team Hoyt, fatherson duo. What makes this duo so special is that Rick, the son, was born with cerebral palsy, and is quadriplegic. And so, his father, Dick, pushes and pulls him in specialised wheel chairs, bikes, and boats. They ve completed over 1, 000 races and are as devoted to each other as ever, continuing to inspire millions of people around the world with their trademark motto, Yes, you This is one of the greatest love stories of all time. A father who climbs mountains, runs marathons, travels to the ends of the earth to give his son a better life. A life that transcends the limitations of his body. This story shows that through perseverance and determination, love conquers all. GET YOUR FREE BOOKLET HERE (THE ONE AND ONLY): Website: Facebo