Ancient Bagpipe ( Askaulos) Improvisation by Giannis Pantazis
For more videos like this, subscribe to our channel: In a majestic, caveshaped, symposium room placed on the legendary island of Santorini, an ancient Greek askaulos is heard, once again. Yannis Pantazis plays a composition of his own, on the predecessor of the modern bagpipe, called askaulos (ἀσκόςaskoswineskin, αὐλόςaulos reed pipe). Find the perfect ancient instrument for you at Learn how to play the lyre and other ancient musical instruments at , , How Ancient are the Flutes The oldest flute ever discovered may be a fragment of the femur of a juvenile cave bear, with two to four holes, found at Divje Babe in Slovenia and dated to about 43, 000 years ago. Another flute dated back to at least 35, 000 years ago was discovered in Hohle Fels