Rayman 4 Prototype REVIVED BY FANS , Raving Rabbids: Reburrowed
You heard it right. The dedicated Rayman community has gathered together to create Team Burrow, who are finishing development of the Rayman Raving Rabbids prototype More Rayman videos: More reviews: Channel Membership: Patreon Support: Follow my X page for updates: x. com, tvframerater RRRR Discord: RRRR Dev Signup: 0:00 Short History 1:20 Storyline 2:04 Game Worlds 3:27 Atmosphere Previews 4:38 Game Worlds (continued) 6:46 Characters, Models 9:32 Gameplay 12:26 Closing Outro Music: Cherry Pepsi remix by Jackie Shoune Background Music: Numerous tracks from the RRR OST Several tracks from the RRRR OST created by Avizura , rayman, rabbids, raymanravingrabbids