3 D Boys vibin at Love Is Over Holostars
They re so dramatic, love them. Source: Rikka Roberu Ch. 夕刻ロベル Oga Shien Love is Over is sung by Ouyang Feifei Lyrics referenced from with some edits by myself. Ending: Just Follow Stars, Holostars (original song) I clip translate Holostars during my free time. Only an amateur so please be kind to me on the quality If there are any mistranslations please feel free to leave a comment to let me know My channel is not monetized, if you encounter ads, ad revenue goes to the original owner of the song ホロスターズ切り抜きやっておりますプロではないので英訳の間違いや動画編集の下手さ等はご了承ください当切り抜きに不快な思いをさせてしまったら再編集又は削除の連絡はコメント欄でお願いいたします Open, free resources used: htt