Brighton Cea Conference (1967)
No title CEA (Cinematographers Exhibitors Association) awards dinner at Brighton, Sussex. L, S exterior Metropole hotel in Brighton. C, U sign Welcome to CEA delegates Brighton your future with WarnerPathe ( ) L, S delegates inside Winter Gardens. M, S as two girls pull back big white screen and CEA President Harry Roelich and his wife Mary make their entrance through it. They smile as people applaud. M, S Richard Attenborough applauding. Various shots exhibitors sat at their tables. M, S table with David Jones and Bob Webster. M, S Monty Morton. M, S Bill Cartlidge. Various shots exhibitors. M, S Sheila Sim. Various shots people there. C, U Roelich making speech. C, U Richard Attenborough blowing out smoke from his cigarette. M, S of Roelich giving award (framed certificate) to J. Massarella, Managing Director of Lyons Maid. M, S people applauding. M, S of Massarella making an award of a silver cigarette box to Stanley van Gelderen. M, S as he holds it up. M, S as Richard Attenborough kisses his wife She