Hainbachs INCREDIBLE Home Studio, Behind The Scenes Test Equipment Jam
Visited Hainbach to hangout in his incredible home studio. We jam a bit on his latest passion which is ooold old test equipment. Sort of behind the scenes with a completely new angle on all his madness QUICK IMPORTANT INFO: For unknown reason this amazing video could only be rendered in 720p. And since its me walking around sloppy with the gopro paying way to much attention to Hainbach rather than how Im filming its a bit shaky shaky So I would advice avoiding full screen if you have a 4k screen, yeah. That said our JAM IS AMAZING SO ENJOY the first complete coverage of Hainbach unreal home studio. Hainbach: Test Equip: Library Of Congress: MY MUSIC: MERCH: SAMPLE PACKS: SPOTIFY: CONTACT: Magpie Pirates JOIN: disc