Phantom of the Floppera
Update Feb. 10, 2011: Wow, I just want to give a HUGE thankyou to every one of you for the overwhelmingly positive response It truly means a lot to me. I m reading all your comments, and I ve been answering individual questionsbut due to popular demand, I will be posting a web site with additional information very soon. If you were interested in how this works, how I built it, and what else it can do, check back soon Again, thank you everybody for all your kind words Test run of my (d)iskette (O)rgan doing Toccata Fugue. People have made floppy drives sing before, but this is my personal take on it. Features two 3 1, 2 drives and two 5 1, 4 drives connected to a PIC18f14k50 microcontroller. It interfaces to any MIDI source via MIDI over USB. Straight MIDI would also be possible with an additional small circuit and some minor firmware changes. This initial version can respond to all 128 MIDI notes, and pitch bends +, 2 semitone