Purple Brown is a stop frame animation show I created and made with Aardman animations for Nickelodeon. Massive thanks to all the crew: Voices: Rich Webber Mick Percival Animator: Darren Thomson Model makers: Lorna Cashmore, Alexis Hoskins, Lee Tetzner Story Artist: Joe Wood Sound editors: Will Norie, Sean Richards D O P: Mark Chamberlain Camera assistant: Suzie Little Floor Manager: Kev Harwood Title Music: Tim Waldron Dance music composed by: Mark Thomas Editors: Mick Percival and Dan Williamson Visual effects: Bram Ttwheam and Tom Lord Sound Mix: Chris Domaille Online editor: Franz Ketterer Executive Producers: Howard Litton, Miles Bullough, David Sproxton, Peter Lord Producer: Helen Argo Series Producer: Jacquiline White Created, written and directed by: Rich Webber