chromatic kalimba tabs Therefore I Am Billie Eilish Eva Auner
Original video (kalimba cover): READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING These tabs are for the chromatic kalimba duo (treble alto). I ve been thinking for 2 weeks about how to simplify it, to rearrange it for one kalimba instead of duo and for the 17 keys instead of the chromatic and I still have no idea, I m sorry. I post this version of tabs just bc I hope they could help somebody to create her, his own new good and simple arrangement (instead of me). If the video speed seems too fast to you for learning, you can change it in Youtube player, just click on a cogwheel. I have Ktabs files. If you want to get them, you can support me on my Patreon page or click the Join button on my main channel PATREON (ktabs, mp3, support me): INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: