AND1 Mixtape Vol. 1: The Skip Tape ( AND1 Basketball; 1998)
AND1 Mixtape Vol. 1: The Skip Tape Альбом с видосами от AND1: The first volume of the legendary mixtape series we started back in the day The Skip Tape Take a trip down memory lane and tune in This tape and Skip 2 My Lou laid the foundation for what AND1 is today. AND1 Mixtape Vol. 2: AND1 Mixtape Vol. 3: AND1 Mixtape Vol. 4: AND1 Mixtape Vol. 5: , ОколоБаскетбола, AND1, AND1Basketball, Mixtape, Volume1, TheSkipTape, RaferAlston, Alston, RaferJamelAlston, SkipToMyLou, Skip2MyLou, Bronx, Бронкс, NewYork, НьюЙорк, NewYorkCity, NYC, NY, BallHandling, Handles, Handle, Handling, Dribbling, Dribble, Crossover, Crossovers, AnkleBreaker, AnkleBreakers, Dunks, Dunk, SlamDunk, SlamDunks, СлэмДанк, СлэмДанки, Данк, Данки, Стритбол, УличныйБаскетбол, Streetball, Баскетбол, Basketball, RuckerPark, США, USA