What is Cis and Trans genes configuration
cis configuration 1 the presence of the dominant alleles of two or more pairs of genes on one chromosome and the recessive alleles on the homologous chromosome. 2 the presence of the mutant genes of a pair of pseudoalleles on one chromosome and the wildtype genes on the homologous chromosome. Compare coupling, trans configuration. 3 (in chemistry) a form of geometric or stereoisomerism in which two substituent groups are on the same side of a double bond or aliphatic ring. Also known as Z (zusammen) configuration. also called cis arrangement, cis position. , pseudoalleles, CIS, TRANS, Genetis, DNA, NikolaysGeneticsLessons, Genetics, neetGenetics, NeetBioTricks, NeetBioVideos, NeetBioQuestions, NeetBioBooks, NEET, aipmt, NeetBiologyClass11, NeetBiologyClass12, NeetBiologyNcert, NeetQuestionPaper, NeetQuestionBank, HowToCrackNeet, NeetExamTips, neetExamQuestions, neetExamVideos, neetExamVideo, neetExamVideoLectures, neetCbse, neetCoachingVideos, neetExam, neetSolution, neetImportantTopics