My Sentai Filmworks DVD, Blu Ray Collection
DVD s: 1. The Ambition of Oda Nobuna (2012) (2014 DVD) 2. Arcana Famiglia (2012) (2013 DVD) 3. Black Bullet (2014) (2015 DVD) 4. Brynhildr in the Darkness (2014) (2015 DVD) 5. Dream Eater Merry (2011) (2012 DVD) 6. Fate, Stay Night (2006) (2013 DVD) 7. Hamatora: The Animation (2014) (2015 DVD) 8. Re: Hamatora Season 2 (2014) (2016 DVD) 9. No. 6 (2011) (2012 DVD) 10. Problem Children are Coming from another world, aren t they (2013) (2014 DVD) 11. Sakura Wars (2000) (2016 DVD, Sentai Selects) 12. Short Peace (2013) (2014 DVD) BluRays: 1. Akame ga Kill Collection 1 (2014) (2016 BluRay) 2. Chaika the Coffin Princess The Complete Series (2014) (2017 BluRay) 3. Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011) (2016 BluRay) 4. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel The Animation (2011) (2012 BluRay) 5. Persona 4: Complete Collection (20112012) (2017 BluRay) 6. This Boy Caught a Merman (2012) (2013 BluRay) Limited editions: Danmachi Season 1 (2015) (2017 release) and Sword Oratora (2017) (2018 release)