Sunny afternoon Plane Spotting at London Heathrow, 29 03 21
Spring is well and truly here now in the UK, with some much needed warmer weather It d be rude not to go out somewhere and make the most of the weather before the rain arrives. It was even better to see so many people out spotting as well, what with the UK s stay at home restrictions lifting. A splended afternoon to say the least with quite an abundance of movements within a space of 4 hours. Obviously nothing close to pre covid levels sadly. Some aircraft in particular which took my interest, one of those being a 747 of Cargologic which has been doing the rounds lately. It is always a treat to see a 747, especially the older 400 variant. Another movement of interest was the LOT 737 MAX 8, for those unaware the 737 MAX was grounded for 2 years due to two fatal accidents in 2018 and 2019. They recently got recertified to fly at the start of the year, and LOT was the first airline to resume use of the MAX to Heathrow. Also look out at 24:29 for a Gulf Air 787 go around, I m not