How To Respond To a Girls Texts ( THESE are The 4 Types of Texts Shell Send)
Free 1 on 1: This is episode 2 of my 4 part series on texting girls. In this video, we ll go over the 4 Types of Texts that a girl normally sends, which are: Ignoring, Testing, Friendly, Logical, and Positive. We ll learn how to tell where you are in the interaction based on which type of text she s sending you, and then how to respond to each type of text to steer the conversation towards positive. The Gentlemen s Guide is a weekly animated video podcast of the best men s dating advice gathered onto a single channel. Look for visually engaging whiteboard animation style videos on seduction, attraction, gender, social dynamics, personal psychology and much more. My Free 4 Part Series on (How to attract 99 of women): My 2 Part NoFap Series: