What Is A Wag Bag , How To Poop In The Woods Responsibly
Check out my new Etsy shop for Simple Yet Practical Outdoor Gear: Digging a cat hole for when nature calls is typically the way that people do their duty in the backcountry. However, as popular areas become busier and even overused, certain requirements are put in place by land management agencies to keep water sources safe. Introduce the Wag Bag. Here in Utah there are many areas in narrow canyons where digging a cat hole is not a viable option. Using a Wag Bag allows you to do your business and keep water sources safe from contamination. In this first, Two Minute Monday video, I ll show you how to use a Wag Bag and talk quickly about what the purpose is, in a light hearted manner. Restop Solid and Liquid Waste Bag: