Falcon Cam Project Great closeups by Marri 3:43 pm 2023, 10, 29
NEWS 29th October 2023 by Cilla Kinross These peregrine falcon nestlings are now 26 and 27 days old and I m now pretty certain that we have a male (Barru) and a female (Marri), based on height, bulk and size of feet (nice screenshots of toes, Moka). Xavier is now just dropping food for them and they are starting to pluck and self feed, but Diamond still likes to feed her offspring to make sure they get enough to eat. 1st hatch 2, 10 2nd hatch 3, 10 The third egg is not viable ie it will not hatch and will be removed when the nestlings fledge, if not broken. Fledgewatch starts 10th November, but going on averages, more likely from 12th. LAST SEASON Two chicks last year: Indigo and Rubus, both males. Indigo has now left the area; last seen 18th March when Diamond blocked his entry to the nest box but the other juvenile had a flying accident after nine days. The other juvenile, Rubus, did not make it. He fledged at 46 days and survived a furthe