The Aggressive Bee
This is a rap about a mean bee. Lyrics are below. The song was inspired by an actual bee who used to divebomb me while I sat outside and wrote raps at my old apartment in Central Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts. I m not allergic to bees, or particularly scared of them normally, but this thing was so confrontational that I did actually feel compelled to run away from it in fear and hide in my hallway. This BEEf was going down in the summer of 2008; I looked up the average lifespan of bees on Wikipedia, and it s several months at best. But while the bee who was the subject of this song is definitely dead by now, I hope this video will make him immortal. Now I live in Los Angeles, where I recorded this song at my friend Nice Peter s directed and edited the video, and he also animated the bee. The beat was produced by my DJ, Upryz, also known as Daniel Fox; you can see more of what he does at And you can also buy the official album ver