Pink Panther Wins The Jackpot, 35 Minute Compilation, Pink Panther Show
1. Prehistoric Pink A primeval caveman and a primeval Pink Panther are working together to push a huge stone along and may just discovered the wheel 2. RockABye Pinky : The peace of the dark forest night is shattered by the loud snoring of a camper slumbering in his hammock beneath the tree where the Pink Panther is sleeping. 3. The Pink Arcade The Pink Panther hits a jackpot of coins when he weighs himself on a public scale. He takes his winnings and goes into a penny arcade. 4. PinkIn The Pink Panther discovers a trunk in his attic with the words movie props on it, and decides to investigate. It seems everything that is in the trunk means trouble for the Panther. 5. In The Pink Of The Night The Pink Panther has a hard time waking up for work in the morning. The Panther decides to buy a cuckoo clock to help him wake up early. 6. Salmon Pink The Pink Panther meets a friendly salmon at the bea