4 Social Security Rules You Need to Know Before Turning 62
4 Social Security Rules You Need to Know Before Turning 62, SocialSecurity, Retirement, SSI When you turn 62, you become eligible for Social Security retirement benefits for the first time. This is a major life milestone you re likely excited about if you re eager to leave work but need income from Social Security to make that possible. But once you re legally allowed to claim benefits, you don t want to just rush into starting your checks. You owe it to yourself to know a few key details to make informed choices. In fact, it s best to learn these four key rules before becoming eligible so you don t request payments to start ASAP and then end up regretting it later. retirement, ssi, ssa, Shalae, stimulus, stimulus check, second stimulus check update, trump, clearvalue tax, house, Heroes Act, stimulus package, second check 2, senate, meet kevin, CARES Act, stimulus check update, second stimulus payments, second stimulus, Stimulus Check 2 update, will there be a secon