Ennio Morricone The Ecstasy Of Gold The David Jones Remix
This channel was created to promote and support magnificent producers, photographers, and labels releases. If any producer, label, or copyright owner is unhappy about any upload, please contact us via any of our social networks, and the content will be removed immediately. Ennio Morricone The Ecstasy of Gold (The David Jones Remix) I will love you from now until the end of time Let me guide you through every word and every ride Let me love you every day for the rest of my whole life Bigger than the ocean, even endless seas An endless pleasure dancing inside you and me Inside you and me Your smile, your touch Forever will never be long enough My heart s desire Burns for you like the moon and the sun Our love is true Thanks for everything. Hope You will like it. Wish you the best in these hard times and hope you and your family are well , dMabda