soft piano songs that make me feel in heaven
feels like i m floating Sheet music for some of the pieces available at: Painting: Frederick Stuart A Willing Captive Timestamps: 00:00 Nicholas Bamberger Flume 04:22 Yann Tiersen, Covery by Ophelia Wilde comptine d un autre été, l aprèsmidi 06:41 Ludovico Einaudi, Cover by Ophelia Wilde una mattina 09:58 Holly Jones twilight 11:51 Jonas Kolberg the ballet dancer 14:08 Yana Couto ottilia 16:38 Ophelia Wilde the fairy 18:11 Robert Gromotka dreamland 20:22 Elia lo Monaco stay 22:21 Sarah Watson broken clouds 24:02 Claude Debussy, Minoire clair de lune 29:08 Thomas Klak gentle waves 31:49 Ophelia Wilde the swan (reimagined) 33:35 Dennis Korn coming home 35:48 Koshun Nakao early mornings 38:18 Luke Faulkner awakening , aesthetic, ethereal, spring, summer, peaceful, relaxing