Nordic Conifer Biome
An asset pack containing everything used to create this is available on Unreal Marketplace This project is kind of the completion of the circle for me, my very first Photogrammetry project back in 2017 was a small coniferous forest scene. It was good for what it was, scanned with an Iphone 5 6 maybe and zero prior knowledge about photogrammetry. But I have learned a lot since then and always wanted to revisit that theme and do it properly, with everything new I have learned, and with proper equipment. So I have been working on this for the past 2 years, a lot of iteration and a few side projects have come in between, but this is the culmination of all my previous works with procedural forests these past years. It is big, like silly big, 2x2km of winding paths, deep forest groves, swamps, lakes and fields. I still get lost myself when running around in there, and I created the damn thing I have based this on a location close to