Adobe Illustrator CC Tutorial , How to draw Charmander from Pokemon
Easy, Fun and Best Adobe Illustrator CC tutorial on how to draw Charmander from Pokemon. Learn how to draw Charmander from Pokemon in this fun and easy tutorial timelapse. This lesson is perfect for new and intermediate illustrator. In this video I will show you my tips and tricks on how I illustrate in my minimal, a flat design style. Please help my channel grow by giving LIKES, sharing with friends and adding comments and watching our lessons. And if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via Instagram or in the comments below. Id love to share my knowledge. How to draw, illustrate Charmander as a flat design illustration in Adobe Illustrator tutorial. Step by Step process I use. 1. Draw by hand concept illustration. I used a few reference images. 2. Scan the illustration and import to Adobe Illustrator and set it as a template. 3. Line work, I use about 78 point thickness on an 1100x1100px canvas 4. Base colour 5. Shadows, you can use a darker shade of the base colour. 6. DONE Music: