Elden Ring but I serve Khorne and I spill blood for the Blood God
01:00 Corruption 02:18 Setup 03:31 Ascension 04:08 Murderspree 04:33 More setup 05:42 Margit 06:57 Godrick 08:04 Fia s champions 05:04 Godfrey (fake form) 09:51 Khorne s blessing 10:15 Morgott 11:21 Fire Giant 13:47 Last setup 13:59 Malenia 16:52 Mohg false Lord of blood 18:03 Godskin duo 19:12 Maliketh 20:33 Gideon 21:00 Godfrey 22:13 Radagon KHORNE SMILES UPON US Enjoy the brand new Elden Ring run as Warhammer 40K character, just sit, relax and let the rage engulf you. Remember brothers: sanity is for the weak. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE As always special thanks for those who made this video possible: ZullietheWitch and the modders from NexusModsYT, GeoffPlaysGuitar, EMMPandHercorp, edwinvoncarstein for all the audios. I do not own rights on the musics and the mods I used. Sekiro Deflection and dodge