BL, Phaya Tharn, , The Sign ลางส งหรณ MV
When you got hurt, I was really afraid you d die. I don t want to feel like that Excuse me while I right my desk after flipping it over at another fake out make out , BUT I absolutely adore how after Phaya got out of his daze he tried so hard to make it real, Tharn just blow on my me look at yours And Phaya dong the quick ONETWOTHREE XD boy has got it bad I m also super excited we got to see more of the story with the mythology and the powers like WHAAATTT I didn t see that coming and it was AAAmazing And now we can see Dr. Slowmotion (yes this will be the only name I refer to him as, he has no other name ) for who he really is And I love it, I admit, I m a sucker for psycho possessive second love interests. I m eating this up XD How do I love each episode more and more as we go Now all I need is a legit bed scene please (and yes, their bedroom will be sac