Trill Dollar Let It Ring ( Black Parade) (prod. by BVNGERNAUT Beats x Dollar Bin)
Let it Ring (Black Parade) from Trill Dollars selftitled project. Stream Let It Ring (Black Parade): Written by Trilly Trills Produced by Dollar Bin, Bangernaut Director: MONEYLONGMEDIA Co Director: Trilly Trills Producers: Dollar Bin Trilly Trills DP: Barry Williams Production Designer: Trilly Trills zealcre8tivestudio Costume: Trill Dollar Editor: Barry Williams VFX: Barry Williams Model: peganparker Conceived by Trilly Trills Artwork by Trilly Trills Artists statement: On a heist, Trill Dollar is faced with the task of lifting artwork from a gallery space. This is artwork created by Trilly Trills himself. Which begs the question. How much of our art do we control when it is released How much can we control what others do with it You SHOULD own your original work, but even then, how protected is it after Its released to the public In the current world our work is subject to being scre