Preparing for Trial ( Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Animation) Paula Peroff
Edgeworth and Gumshoe ponder how Phoenix and Maya prepare for trials. They re certainly Ace Attorneys, so they re probably really efficient and great at it and stuff, and wellprepared every time, with no hiccups Written and beautifully animated by Paula Peroff Also, don t forget to watch The Ghost and Molly McGee on Disney Channel, the show she worked on that just started airing Maya Fey voiced by the uber talented 8edhead Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and Dick Gumshoe voiced by me. Twitter: Tumblr: Casting Call Club: Mornal Productions ain t your normal productions This channel specializes in funny animated sketches and voice acting, based on game series ranging from the Ace Attorney franchise to Undertale and Deltarune. All sorts of comic dubs, comedy animations (made either by me in 3D or in collaboration with Paula Peroff)