Ho N Hero Spotlight: Artillery
Play Heroes of Newerth for FREE: The engineer looked at his masterpiece. The turrets were mounted, the rockets loaded, the cannons oiled and tested on the range. It was time to test his mechanical beast against the demonic hoards of the Hellbourne. They would know no quarter when he found them within range and death reigned down from above. The explosions deafened both man and beast, and Artillery stood alone among the craters and carnage. Artillery is a ranged, agility hero that excels in longrange combat. With Bunker down, his attack range exceeds a tower s reach. Long Range Missiles (LRM) scale with base damage, and do not propagate orb effects or attack modifiers, so items that increase base attack damage provide the most bang for Artillery. Ghost Marchers are the boots of choice for this construction, providing needed maneuverability as well as bonus damage. Since Bunker Down s mana cost is so little, and LRM is somewhat cheap, a Blood Chalice br, br,