The myth of Sisyphus Alex Gendler
Download a free audiobook version of Man s Search for Meaning and support TEDEd s nonprofit mission: Check out our full book recommendation: Sisyphus was both a clever ruler who made his city prosperous, and a devious tyrant who seduced his niece and killed visitors to show off his power. While his violation of the sacred hospitality tradition greatly angered the gods, it was Sisyphus reckless confidence that proved to be his downfall resulting in Zeus condemning him for all eternity. Alex Gendler shares the myth of Sisyphus. Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Adriatic Animation. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support Without you this video would not be possible Denise A Pitts, Pi Guanghui, Doris, Kurt Almendras, Raymond Lee, Nicolas Silva, Melvin Williams, Tirath Singh Pandher, Terry Minion, Mauricio Basso, Jamesbo87, Karlee Finch, Chumi Ogbonna, Barthélémy Michalon, Lefty McGoo, Prefer Anonymous, Chris Thompson, Derek Drescher, Karis