Converting MAGIC: THE GATHERING Card Art Into Warhammer: Illuminor Szeras
, sponsored, MTGxWH40k In this video I show you how you convert Illuminor Szeras to match his Magic: The Gathering Card art. To pick up your own Warhammer 40, 000 Commander Decks, check out the following link: Get discounted Games Workshop products and support this channel by using my Element Games affiliate link: You can support me for as little as 1 a month over on my Patreon page: ProAcryl Paints used: Bronze Dark Silver Light Bronze Silver Coal Black Blue Black Jade Bright Pale Green Black Green Green Bright Yellow Green Pale Yellow Bold Titanium White Olive Flesh Citadel Paints Used: Nuln Oil Targor Rageshade Berzerker Bloodshade Coelia Greenshade Seraphim Sepia Striking Scorpion Green Conversion Equipment: Swann Morton No. 3 Handles: Swann Morton 10A Blades: e