Kenny Jane Kill Natasha, Buricko Vitali ( Walking Dead, Telltale Games)
The birth of Rebecca s son and subsequent death of the baby s mother has started a new battle for survival which promises to not end quietly. Through the harshest weather she has seen thus far, can Clementine protect the group s newest member and keep everyone she cares about alive .. The episode begins with the group and the Russians engaging each other in a gunfight. Clementine falls to the ground, dazed. Clementine looks around and sees Mike shot in the shoulder, who retreats to cover with Bonnie. Arvo is seen trying to resuscitate his sister, who has been shot in the chest. Vitali and Kenny fire at each other while Buricko, shot in the leg, fires at Luke, who is hiding behind a rock wall. Clementine then spots the baby laying and crying on the ground beside the corpse of his mother Rebecca, with bullets ricocheting off the ground extremely close to him. Clementine tries to crawl towards the baby, and is almost shot. Luke shouts at Clementine to get behind cover, as she is out in the open.