Character study: Haley James Scott throughout seasons 1 9 , OVC
HD 720 px is your bff. Whoa, I made this video in ONE freakin day. How awesome am I This is my entry for OVC (OneViddingChallenge), this time we were supposed to make a video about one TV show or movie character. I bet some of you are surprised that I didn t choose Brooke for this round. Well, ever since the day I met Bethany Joy (you can see a photo from that meeting on my JennynQa Production facebook fanpage, so don t forget to like it if you haven t yet), I ve been even bigger fan of her and Haley. Bethany is incredibly talented and she was literally shining in season 9. So I thought she would deserve a tribute to her character :) But don t you ever forget that Brooke will always be my number one :P Credit for this gorgeous coloring goes to HazelTutorials. Dedication: Shanice. I know how much you love Haley, babe; ) Facebook page Backup chann br, br,