Lion s Gate 8:8 Lyran Light Language Transmission
During Lions Gate, we are opening a doorway and birthing a new and heightened level of dedication to our ascension process as individual human beings and part of planetary Gaia collective. On its peak day 8, 8 tomorrow, in alignment with Sirius, the energy offers a container of transformation that is shifting the cosmic ether. It is an opportunity to find alignment and balance within as you can use your amazing unique frequency to usher in this new paradigm of love into the world. Bring out your inner Leo to play. May we all roar our way through the gate Many blessings Diana , lightlanguage, lyran, lightlanguageactivation, loveripple, lionsgateportal, lionsgate, lightlanguagetransmission, spiritual, lightlanguagechannel, sekhmet, ascension, awakening, wakeup