( Peaky Blinders) Arthur Shelby, SOLDIER
name is Arthur Fucking Shelby, who dare fight The best right hand man anyone could ever ask for. Can t wait to see him shinning on the upcoming movie, since he had such little screen time on season 6. Show some love for my boy Arthur WARNING: Spoilers until 6x06, watch at your own risk. I hope you all enjoy, and as always watch in 2160p and with headphones for the full experience. , peakyblindersSeason6, arthurshelby, FanMade, Shelbys Fandom: Peaky Blinders Character: Arthur Shelby Song 1: Cernunnos ChristianReindl Song 2: Reprise thesecession Editor software: Premiere Pro 2020 Coloring: Premiere Pro 2020 Thumbnail: Photoshop 2020 Intagram: Copyright Discl