100 Milion AD Giveaway PC Xbox PS4 21 Mythic Mounts 5 Xunas Much More Neverwinter Northside
Okay guys and girls, this is the giveaway for neverwinter pc ps4 and xbox for my return on youtube after the accident i had with my old one. We are giving 21 Mythic mounts to PC users, 5 xuna companions, 2 improved bag of holding, and much more. For Ps4 users we got 3 mythic mounts, Hag Hexing Cauldron, Feywild Stag Mythic KIng of Spines courtesy of brokenarrow so check his twitch channel here: For Xbox users we got codes that are left behind and all is in the video so listen to it, for that and for rules. Rules: This giveaway is not sponsored by Cryptic Studios, hencefort after i raffle the winners you will have 7 days to leave a comment and the prize is reserved. If you fail to do so you will not receive the reward. The giveaway will be ongoing at my convienience as long there is interested players. PC users leave a hashtag pc your guild name and your ingame handle Xbox users leave just hashtag xbox Ps4 users leave just hashtag ps4 Do not make multiple accounts, i will