Learn the changes It Could Happen To You, exercise 1 basic melodic minor, Altered Lydian Dominant
It Could Happen to You is a popular jazz standard composed by Jimmy Van Heusen, with lyrics by Johnny Burke. The song was written in 1944 and has since been performed by numerous jazz musicians, including Frank Sinatra, Chet Baker, and Diana Krall. Its beautiful melody and timeless lyrics make it a beloved tune in the jazz repertoire. Support me on Patreon to get access to the PDF with full analysis here also available to purchase here(fully analyzed MY GEAR Guitar Sadowsky Jim Hall model 2018 Strings ThomastikInfeld flat wound 013, 017, 021, 028, 039, 053 Amp Fender Super Champ x2 Cable Fender Audio interface mic Scarlett Focusrite Pick Jim Dunlop purple 1. 14 mm Camera GoPro Hero 10, alteredscale, lydiandominant, itcouldhappentoyou, jazzguitar, bebop 0:00 description 0:18 round 1 up arpeggio 1:19 round 2 down scale 2:23 play